
I read a tweet on Weibo (Chinese Twitter) the other day, it says “The cruelest way of breaking up with someone is procrastination”. I am not sure if my translation was proper. Basically, it means that that person won’t give you a clear closure, instead, s/he keeps saying “give me some time”, and leaves the “dot dot dot” mistery  to make you wonder.

This tweet got me thinking about break-ups. There are several different levels of breaking up with somebody. But surprisingly, nearly nobody likes to choose a healthy break up. Look around us, broken hearts everywhere.

The first, most decent way to break up with someone is: just being mature and brave enough to face your partner, be real and be honest, tell the truth, say a proper goodbye and show respect to the time you guys spent together, especially show respect to the “dumpee”. However, people rarely use this method. They go for other terrible ways, as below:

The third most terrible way of breaking up is over text message, email, or a “third party” –asking someone else to pass the news to you. Don’t assume these behaviors are bad enough just yet, because here comes the second most horrible manner: disappearance.
I have no idea how cowardly a person could be to not even have the teeny tiny courage to say “no”. They just run away!

If you are unfortunate to have suffered these two bad break up forms. Don’t be too sad, you have not “enjoyed” the number one, the most horrible way: Procrastination.
I think, sometimes, hope can be a bad thing, because expectations kill things. Everyone in a relationship deserves a clarification, especially when the “dumper” already knows this is not going to work. But some people just love to procrastinate. They keep you waiting, keep you being confused, and keep you living in the dark. And, when you are about to give up, they suddenly show up and tell you they don’t wanna lose you. Yes, they like torturing you, even if they don’t even realize or admit, but yes, they are torturing you.

I cannot even imagine why people can be so cold and careless to someone whom they used to care about. I guess it just has a lot to do with people’s personality. You have to admit, some people, they are evil. Or, so-called “play boy”.

When people are in love, it’s a world of two; but when people break up, it’s still a matter of two, isn’t it? Totally neglect how the other person’s feelings will only show unforgivable selfishness.

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